Gofer 2.3.0 の README によると、
The language supported by Gofer is both syntactically and semantically similar to that of the functional programming language Haskell [5]. My principal task in the implementation of Gofer has therefore been to decide which features I should omit and then to implement what remains. Features common to both include: (……略……) But Gofer is not just a partial implementation of Haskell; it also includes a number of experimental features which extend the type system in several ways:
だそうで、分類上は Haskell の亜種と言ってよいかと思います。
Linux でコンパイルも通ったー。やっぱり Linux だと古いプログラムは ことごとく端末まわりで失敗するな。
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> 「力」のところをRubyで書くと?
Paul Grahamのページにありますよん。