-- $Id: Database.hs,v 1.3 2006/04/05 23:27:13 aamine Exp $
-- Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Minero Aoki
-- This program is free software.
-- You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of
-- the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
-- For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING".
module Database
(Database, fromConfig,
pageSource, pageEncoding, savePageSource, doesPageExist,
pageNames, pageNamesWithMtime) where
import Config
import URLEncoding
import FileUtils
import PathUtils
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.Directory
import System.Time
#ifdef POSIX
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.Posix.IO
data Database = Database { prefix :: String, encoding :: String }
fromConfig :: Config -> Database
fromConfig conf =
Database { prefix = confLookupPath "directory" conf,
encoding = confLookupString "encoding" conf }
encodeName = urlencode
decodeName = urldecode
pagePath db name = concatPath [prefix db, "pages", encodeName name]
pageSource :: Database -> String -> IO String
pageSource db name = readFile (pagePath db name)
pageEncoding :: Database -> String
pageEncoding db = encoding db
doesPageExist :: Database -> String -> IO Bool
doesPageExist db name = doesFileExist (pagePath db name)
pageNames :: Database -> IO [String]
pageNames db = return . map decodeName =<< fileEntries (prefix db ++ "/pages")
pageNamesWithMtime :: Database -> IO [(String, CalendarTime)]
pageNamesWithMtime db =
do names <- pageNames db
return . zip names =<< mapM (mtime . pagePath db) names
mtime path = toCalendarTime =<< getModificationTime path
nRetry = 5
#if WIN32
savePageSource :: Database -> String -> String -> IO ()
savePageSource (Database { prefix = dir }) name content =
do let destdir = joinPath dir "pages"
destpath = joinPath destdir (encodeName name)
makePath destdir
retryWhile isAlreadyExistsError
$ replicate nRetry (writeFile destpath content)
#elif POSIX
savePageSource :: Database -> String -> String -> IO ()
savePageSource (Database { prefix = dir }) name content =
do let tmpdir = joinPath dir "tmp/pages"
destdir = joinPath dir "pages"
makePath tmpdir
makePath destdir
let tmppath = joinPath tmpdir (encodeName name)
destpath = joinPath destdir (encodeName name)
atomicWriteFile tmppath destpath content
atomicWriteFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
atomicWriteFile tmppath destpath content =
do retryWhile isAlreadyExistsError
$ replicate nRetry $ (exclWriteFile tmppath content)
catch (renameFile tmppath destpath)
(\err -> do forceRemove tmppath
ioError err)
exclWriteFile path content = bracket (fdToHandle =<< exclCreate path)
(\h -> hPutStr h content)
exclCreate path = openFd path WriteOnly (Just 0o666)
(defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True })
retryWhile f [] = ioError (userError "failed to lock file")
retryWhile f (x:xs) = catch (x) (\err -> do unless (f err) (ioError err)
threadDelay (10^6)
retryWhile f xs)
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