
-- $Id: CGI.hs,v 1.2 2006/05/14 17:29:22 aamine Exp $
-- Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Minero Aoki
-- This program is free software.
-- You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of
-- the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
-- For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING".

module CGI
   HTTPRequest, varExist, lookupVar, lookupVars,
   HTTPResponse(..), httpResponseToString, textContentType) where

import URLEncoding
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import System.Environment

runCGI :: (HTTPRequest -> IO HTTPResponse) -> IO ()
runCGI f = do hSetBinaryMode stdin True
              hSetBinaryMode stdout True
              input <- getContents
              env <- cgiEnvs
              res <- f (parseCGIRequest env input)
              putStr (show res)

cgiEnvs = return . catMaybes =<< mapM mGetEnvPair names
    mGetEnvPair :: String -> IO (Maybe (String, String))
    mGetEnvPair name = catch (return . Just . (,) name =<< getEnv name)
                             (const $ return Nothing)

    names = [ "SERVER_NAME", "SERVER_PORT",
              "PATH_INFO", "PATH_TRANSLATED",
              "HTTP_COOKIE", "HTTP_ACCEPT",
              "AUTH_TYPE", "HTTPS" ]

data HTTPRequest = HTTPRequest { params :: [(String, String)] }

parseCGIRequest env input =
    case method of
      "GET"  -> parseGET env
      "POST" -> parsePOST env input
      _      -> parseUnknown
    method = getenv "REQUEST_METHOD" env

    getenv key env = fromMaybe "" $ lookup key env

    parseGET env = HTTPRequest (parseQueryString $ getenv "QUERY_STRING" env)

    parsePOST env input = HTTPRequest (parseQueryString $ input)

    -- FIXME
    parseUnknown = HTTPRequest []

    parseQueryString = map splitKV . splitQueryString

    splitQueryString = splitBy (\c -> c == ';' || c == '&')

    splitKV kv = case break (== '=') kv of
                   (k, ('=':v)) -> (decodeWord k, decodeWord v)
                   (k, "")      -> (decodeWord k, "")

    decodeWord = urldecode . decodePlus

    decodePlus = map (\c -> if c == '+' then ' ' else c)

splitBy :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
splitBy _ [] = []
splitBy f str = word : splitBy f cont
    (word, cont') = break f str
    cont = case cont' of
             []     -> ""
             (c:cs) -> cs

varExist :: String -> HTTPRequest -> Bool
varExist key = isJust . lookupVar key

lookupVar :: String -> HTTPRequest -> Maybe String
lookupVar key = lookup key . params

lookupVars :: String -> HTTPRequest -> [String]
lookupVars key = lookupAll key . params

lookupAll :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> [b]
lookupAll key = map snd . filter ((== key) . fst)

data HTTPResponse = HTTPResponse {
    resContentType :: String,
    resBody :: String

instance Show HTTPResponse where
    show = httpResponseToString

httpResponseToString (HTTPResponse ctype body) =
  concat [ "Content-Type: ", ctype, "\r\n",
           "Content-Length: ", show (length body), "\r\n",
           body ]

textContentType typ encoding = concat [typ, "; charset=\"", encoding, "\""]

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