This source file includes following functions.
1 #
2 # shell/command-controller.rb -
3 # $Release Version: 0.6.0 $
4 # $Revision: 1.3 $
5 # $Date: 2001/06/27 15:35:04 $
6 # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
7 #
8 # --
9 #
10 #
11 #
13 require "e2mmap"
14 require "ftools"
15 require "thread"
17 require "shell/error"
18 require "shell/filter"
19 require "shell/system-command"
20 require "shell/builtin-command"
22 class Shell
23 class CommandProcessor
25 #
26 # initialize of Shell and related classes.
27 #
28 NoDelegateMethods = ["initialize", "expand_path"]
29 def self.initialize
31 install_builtin_commands
33 # define CommandProccessor#methods to Shell#methods and Filter#methods
34 for m in CommandProcessor.instance_methods - NoDelegateMethods
35 add_delegate_command_to_shell(m)
36 end
38 def self.method_added(id)
39 add_delegate_command_to_shell(id)
40 end
41 end
43 #
44 # include run file.
45 #
46 def self.run_config
47 begin
48 load File.expand_path("~/.rb_shell") if ENV.key?("HOME")
49 rescue LoadError, Errno::ENOENT
50 rescue
51 print "load error: #{rc}\n"
52 print $!.type, ": ", $!, "\n"
53 for err in $@[0, $@.size - 2]
54 print "\t", err, "\n"
55 end
56 end
57 end
59 def initialize(shell)
60 @shell = shell
61 @system_commands = {}
62 end
64 #
65 # CommandProcessor#expand_path(path)
66 # path: String
67 # return: String
68 # returns the absolute path for <path>
69 #
70 def expand_path(path)
71 @shell.expand_path(path)
72 end
74 #
75 # File related commands
76 # Shell#foreach
77 # Shell#open
78 # Shell#unlink
79 # Shell#test
80 #
81 # -
82 #
83 # CommandProcessor#foreach(path, rs)
84 # path: String
85 # rs: String - record separator
86 # iterator
87 # Same as:
88 # File#foreach (when path is file)
89 # Dir#foreach (when path is directory)
90 # path is relative to pwd
91 #
92 def foreach(path = nil, *rs)
93 path = "." unless path
94 path = expand_path(path)
96 if
97 Dir.foreach(path){|fn| yield fn}
98 else
99 IO.foreach(path, *rs){|l| yield l}
100 end
101 end
103 #
104 # CommandProcessor#open(path, mode)
105 # path: String
106 # mode: String
107 # return: File or Dir
108 # Same as:
109 # File#open (when path is file)
110 # Dir#open (when path is directory)
111 # mode has an effect only when path is a file
112 #
113 def open(path, mode)
114 path = expand_path(path)
115 if
117 else
118 effect_umask do
119, mode)
120 end
121 end
122 end
123 # public :open
125 #
126 # CommandProcessor#unlink(path)
127 # same as:
128 # Dir#unlink (when path is directory)
129 # File#unlink (when path is file)
130 #
131 def unlink(path)
132 path = expand_path(path)
133 if
134 Dir.unlink(path)
135 else
136 IO.unlink(path)
137 end
138 end
140 #
141 # CommandProcessor#test(command, file1, file2)
142 # CommandProcessor#[command, file1, file2]
143 # command: char or String or Symbol
144 # file1: String
145 # file2: String(optional)
146 # return: Boolean
147 # same as:
148 # test() (when command is char or length 1 string or sumbol)
149 # FileTest.command (others)
150 # example:
151 # sh[?e, "foo"]
152 # sh[:e, "foo"]
153 # sh["e", "foo"]
154 # sh[:exists?, "foo"]
155 # sh["exists?", "foo"]
156 #
157 def test(command, file1, file2=nil)
158 file1 = expand_path(file1)
159 file2 = expand_path(file2) if file2
160 command = command.id2name if command.kind_of?(Symbol)
162 case command
163 when Integer
164 top_level_test(command, file1, file2)
165 when String
166 if command.size == 1
167 if file2
168 top_level_test(command, file1, file2)
169 else
170 top_level_test(command, file1)
171 end
172 else
173 if file2
174 FileTest.send(command, file1, file2)
175 else
176 FileTest.send(command, file1)
177 end
178 end
179 end
180 end
181 alias [] test
183 #
184 # Dir related methods
185 #
186 # Shell#mkdir
187 # Shell#rmdir
188 #
189 #--
190 #
191 # CommandProcessor#mkdir(*path)
192 # path: String
193 # same as Dir.mkdir()
194 #
195 def mkdir(*path)
196 for dir in path
197 Dir.mkdir(expand_path(dir))
198 end
199 end
201 #
202 # CommandProcessor#rmdir(*path)
203 # path: String
204 # same as Dir.rmdir()
205 #
206 def rmdir(*path)
207 for dir in path
208 Dir.rmdir(expand_path(path))
209 end
210 end
212 #
213 # CommandProcessor#system(command, *opts)
214 # command: String
215 # opts: String
216 # retuen: SystemCommand
217 # Same as system() function
218 # example:
219 # print sh.system("ls", "-l")
220 # sh.system("ls", "-l") | sh.head > STDOUT
221 #
222 def system(command, *opts)
223, find_system_command(command), *opts)
224 end
226 #
227 # ProcessCommand#rehash
228 # clear command hash table.
229 #
230 def rehash
231 @system_commands = {}
232 end
234 #
235 # ProcessCommand#transact
236 #
237 def check_point
238 @shell.process_controller.wait_all_jobs_execution
239 end
240 alias finish_all_jobs check_point
242 def transact(&block)
243 begin
244 @shell.instance_eval(&block)
245 ensure
246 check_point
247 end
248 end
250 #
251 # internal commands
252 #
253 def out(dev = STDOUT, &block)
254 dev.print transact(&block)
255 end
257 def echo(*strings)
258, *strings)
259 end
261 def cat(*filenames)
262, *filenames)
263 end
265 # def sort(*filenames)
266 #, *filenames)
267 # end
269 def glob(pattern)
270, pattern)
271 end
273 def append(to, filter)
274 case to
275 when String
276, to, filter)
277 when IO
278, to, filter)
279 else
280 Shell.Fail CanNotMethodApply, "append", to.type
281 end
282 end
284 def tee(file)
285, file)
286 end
288 def concat(*jobs)
289, *jobs)
290 end
292 # %pwd, %cwd -> @pwd
293 def notify(*opts, &block)
294 Thread.exclusive do
295 Shell.notify(*opts) {|mes|
296 yield mes if iterator?
298 mes.gsub!("%pwd", "#{@cwd}")
299 mes.gsub!("%cwd", "#{@cwd}")
300 }
301 end
302 end
304 #
305 # private functions
306 #
307 def effect_umask
308 if @shell.umask
309 Thread.critical = true
310 save = File.umask
311 begin
312 yield
313 ensure
314 File.umask save
315 Thread.critical = false
316 end
317 else
318 yield
319 end
320 end
321 private :effect_umask
323 def find_system_command(command)
324 return command if /^\// =~ command
325 case path = @system_commands[command]
326 when String
327 if exists?(path)
328 return path
329 else
330 Shell.Fail CommandNotFound, command
331 end
332 when false
333 Shell.Fail CommandNotFound, command
334 end
336 for p in @shell.system_path
337 path = join(p, command)
338 if FileTest.exists?(path)
339 @system_commands[command] = path
340 return path
341 end
342 end
343 @system_commands[command] = false
344 Shell.Fail CommandNotFound, command
345 end
347 #
348 # CommandProcessor.def_system_command(command, path)
349 # command: String
350 # path: String
351 # define 'command()' method as method.
352 #
353 def self.def_system_command(command, path = command)
354 begin
355 eval((d = %Q[def #{command}(*opts)
356, '#{path}', *opts)
357 end]), nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1)
358 rescue SyntaxError
359 Shell.notify "warn: Can't define #{command} path: #{path}."
360 end
361 Shell.notify "Define #{command} path: #{path}.", Shell.debug?
362 Shell.notify("Definition of #{command}: ", d,
363 Shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && Shell.debug > 1)
364 end
366 def self.undef_system_command(command)
367 command = command.id2name if command.kind_of?(Symbol)
368 remove_method(command)
369 Shell.module_eval{remove_method(command)}
370 Filter.module_eval{remove_method(command)}
371 self
372 end
374 # define command alias
375 # ex)
376 # def_alias_command("ls_c", "ls", "-C", "-F")
377 # def_alias_command("ls_c", "ls"){|*opts| ["-C", "-F", *opts]}
378 #
379 @alias_map = {}
380 def self.alias_map
381 @alias_map
382 end
383 def self.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
384 ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Symbol)
385 command = command.id2name if command.kind_of?(Symbol)
386 begin
387 if iterator?
388 @alias_map[ali.intern] = proc
390 eval((d = %Q[def #{ali}(*opts)
391 @shell.__send__(:#{command},
392 *(CommandProcessor.alias_map[:#{ali}].call *opts))
393 end]), nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1)
395 else
396 args = opts.collect{|opt| '"' + opt + '"'}.join ","
397 eval((d = %Q[def #{ali}(*opts)
398 @shell.__send__(:#{command}, #{args}, *opts)
399 end]), nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1)
400 end
401 rescue SyntaxError
402 Shell.notify "warn: Can't alias #{ali} command: #{command}."
403 Shell.notify("Definition of #{ali}: ", d)
404 raise
405 end
406 Shell.notify "Define #{ali} command: #{command}.", Shell.debug?
407 Shell.notify("Definition of #{ali}: ", d,
408 Shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && Shell.debug > 1)
409 self
410 end
412 def self.unalias_command(ali)
413 ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Symbol)
414 @alias_map.delete ali.intern
415 undef_system_command(ali)
416 end
418 #
419 # CommandProcessor.def_builtin_commands(delegation_class, command_specs)
420 # delegation_class: Class or Module
421 # command_specs: [[command_name, [argument,...]],...]
422 # command_name: String
423 # arguments: String
424 # FILENAME?? -> expand_path(filename??)
425 # *FILENAME?? -> filename??.collect{|f|expand_path(f)}.join(", ")
426 # define command_name(argument,...) as
427 # delegation_class.command_name(argument,...)
428 #
429 def self.def_builtin_commands(delegation_class, command_specs)
430 for meth, args in command_specs
431 arg_str = args.collect{|arg| arg.downcase}.join(", ")
432 call_arg_str = args.collect{
433 |arg|
434 case arg
435 when /^(FILENAME.*)$/
436 format("expand_path(%s)", $1.downcase)
437 when /^(\*FILENAME.*)$/
438 # \*FILENAME* -> filenames.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}.join(", ")
439 $1.downcase + '.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}'
440 else
441 arg
442 end
443 }.join(", ")
444 d = %Q[def #{meth}(#{arg_str})
445 #{delegation_class}.#{meth}(#{call_arg_str})
446 end]
447 Shell.notify "Define #{meth}(#{arg_str})", Shell.debug?
448 Shell.notify("Definition of #{meth}: ", d,
449 Shell.debug.kind_of?(Integer) && Shell.debug > 1)
450 eval d
451 end
452 end
454 #
455 # CommandProcessor.install_system_commands(pre)
456 # pre: String - command name prefix
457 # defines every command which belongs in default_system_path via
458 # CommandProcessor.command(). It doesn't define already defined
459 # methods twice. By default, "pre_" is prefixes to each method
460 # name. Characters that may not be used in a method name are
461 # all converted to '_'. Definition errors are just ignored.
462 #
463 def self.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
464 defined_meth = {}
465 for m in Shell.methods
466 defined_meth[m] = true
467 end
468 sh =
469 for path in Shell.default_system_path
470 next unless path
471 path
472 sh.foreach do
473 |cn|
474 if !defined_meth[pre + cn] && sh.file?(cn) && sh.executable?(cn)
475 command = (pre + cn).gsub(/\W/, "_").sub(/^([0-9])/, '_\1')
476 begin
477 def_system_command(command, sh.expand_path(cn))
478 rescue
479 Shell.notify "warn: Can't define #{command} path: #{cn}"
480 end
481 defined_meth[command] = command
482 end
483 end
484 end
485 end
487 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
488 #
489 # class initializing methods -
490 #
491 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
492 def self.add_delegate_command_to_shell(id)
493 id = id.intern if id.kind_of?(String)
494 name = id.id2name
495 if Shell.method_defined?(id)
496 Shell.notify "warn: override definnition of Shell##{name}."
497 Shell.notify "warn: alias Shell##{name} to Shell##{name}_org.\n"
498 Shell.module_eval "alias #{name}_org #{name}"
499 end
500 Shell.notify "method added: Shell##{name}.", Shell.debug?
501 Shell.module_eval(%Q[def #{name}(*args, &block)
502 begin
503 @command_processor.__send__(:#{name}, *args, &block)
504 rescue Exception
505 $@.delete_if{|s| /:in `__getobj__'$/ =~ s} #`
506 $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(eval\\):/ =~ s}
507 raise
508 end
509 end], __FILE__, __LINE__)
511 if Shell::Filter.method_defined?(id)
512 Shell.notify "warn: override definnition of Shell::Filter##{name}."
513 Shell.notify "warn: alias Shell##{name} to Shell::Filter##{name}_org."
514 Filter.module_eval "alias #{name}_org #{name}"
515 end
516 Shell.notify "method added: Shell::Filter##{name}.", Shell.debug?
517 Filter.module_eval(%Q[def #{name}(*args, &block)
518 begin
519 self | @shell.__send__(:#{name}, *args, &block)
520 rescue Exception
521 $@.delete_if{|s| /:in `__getobj__'$/ =~ s} #`
522 $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(eval\\):/ =~ s}
523 raise
524 end
525 end], __FILE__, __LINE__)
526 end
528 #
529 # define default builtin commands
530 #
531 def self.install_builtin_commands
532 # method related File.
533 # (exclude open/foreach/unlink)
534 normal_delegation_file_methods = [
535 ["atime", ["FILENAME"]],
536 ["basename", ["fn", "*opts"]],
537 ["chmod", ["mode", "*FILENAMES"]],
538 ["chown", ["owner", "group", "*FILENAME"]],
539 ["ctime", ["FILENAMES"]],
540 ["delete", ["*FILENAMES"]],
541 ["dirname", ["FILENAME"]],
542 ["ftype", ["FILENAME"]],
543 ["join", ["*items"]],
544 ["link", ["FILENAME_O", "FILENAME_N"]],
545 ["lstat", ["FILENAME"]],
546 ["mtime", ["FILENAME"]],
547 ["readlink", ["FILENAME"]],
548 ["rename", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
549 # ["size", ["FILENAME"]],
550 ["split", ["pathname"]],
551 ["stat", ["FILENAME"]],
552 ["symlink", ["FILENAME_O", "FILENAME_N"]],
553 ["truncate", ["FILENAME", "length"]],
554 ["utime", ["atime", "mtime", "*FILENAMES"]]]
556 def_builtin_commands(File, normal_delegation_file_methods)
557 alias_method :rm, :delete
559 # method related FileTest
560 def_builtin_commands(FileTest,
561 FileTest.singleton_methods.collect{|m| [m, ["FILENAME"]]})
563 # method related ftools
564 normal_delegation_ftools_methods = [
565 ["syscopy", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
566 ["copy", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
567 ["move", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
568 ["compare", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
569 ["safe_unlink", ["*FILENAMES"]],
570 ["makedirs", ["*FILENAMES"]],
571 # ["chmod", ["mode", "*FILENAMES"]],
572 ["install", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO", "mode"]],
573 ]
574 def_builtin_commands(File,
575 normal_delegation_ftools_methods)
576 alias_method :cmp, :compare
577 alias_method :mv, :move
578 alias_method :cp, :copy
579 alias_method :rm_f, :safe_unlink
580 alias_method :mkpath, :makedirs
581 end
583 end
584 end