

This source file includes following functions.

   1  # You need RubyUnit and MS Excel and MSI to run this test script 
   3  require 'runit/testcase'
   4  require 'runit/cui/testrunner'
   6  require 'win32ole'
   7  require 'oleserver'
   9  module EXCEL_CONST
  10  end
  12  module CONST1
  13  end
  15  module CONST2
  16  end
  18  module CONST3
  19  end
  21  class TestWin32OLE < RUNIT::TestCase
  22    include OLESERVER
  23    def setup
  24      @excel = WIN32OLE.new("Excel.Application")
  25      @excel.visible = true
  26    end
  27    def test_s_new
  28      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, @excel)
  29    end
  30    def test_s_new_DCOM
  31      rexcel = WIN32OLE.new("Excel.Application", "localhost")
  32      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, rexcel)
  33      rexcel.visible = true
  34      rexcel.quit
  35    end
  36    def test_s_new_from_clsid
  37      excel = WIN32OLE.new("{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
  38      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, excel)
  39      excel.quit
  40      exc = assert_exception(WIN32OLERuntimeError) {
  41        WIN32OLE.new("{000}")
  42      }
  43      assert_match(/Unknown OLE server : `\{000\}'/, exc.message)
  44    end
  45    def test_s_connect
  46      excel2 = WIN32OLE.connect('Excel.Application')
  47      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, excel2)
  48    end
  50    def test_s_const_load
  51      assert(!defined?(EXCEL_CONST::XlTop))
  52      WIN32OLE.const_load(@excel, EXCEL_CONST)
  53      assert_equal(-4160, EXCEL_CONST::XlTop)
  55      assert(!defined?(CONST1::XlTop))
  56      WIN32OLE.const_load(MS_EXCEL_TYPELIB, CONST1)
  57      assert_equal(-4160, CONST1::XlTop)
  58    end
  60    def test_get_win32ole_object
  61      workbooks = @excel.Workbooks;
  62      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, workbooks)
  63    end
  64    def test_each
  65      workbooks = @excel.Workbooks
  66      assert_no_exception {
  67        i = 0;
  68        workbooks.each do |workbook|
  69          print i += 1
  70        end
  71      }
  72      workbooks.add
  73      workbooks.add
  74      i = 0
  75      workbooks.each do |workbook|
  76        i+=1
  77      end
  78      assert_equal(2, i)
  79      workbooks.each do |workbook|
  80        workbook.saved = true
  81      end
  82    end
  83    def test_setproperty_bracket
  84      book = @excel.workbooks.add
  85      sheet = book.worksheets(1)
  86      begin
  87        sheet.range("A1")['Value'] = 10
  88        assert_equal(10, sheet.range("A1").value)
  89        sheet['Cells', 1, 2] = 10
  90        assert_equal(10, sheet.range("B1").value)
  91      ensure
  92        book.saved = true
  93      end
  94    end
  95    def test_convert_bignum
  96      book = @excel.workbooks.add
  97      sheet = book.worksheets(1)
  98      begin
  99        sheet.range("A1").value = 999999999
 100        sheet.range("A2").value = 9999999999
 101        sheet.range("A3").value = "=A1*10 + 9"
 102        assert_equal(9999999999, sheet.range("A2").value)
 103        assert_equal(9999999999, sheet.range("A3").value)
 105      ensure
 106        book.saved = true
 107      end
 108    end
 110    def test_ole_invoke_with_named_arg
 111      book = @excel.workbooks.add
 112      sheets = book.worksheets
 113      sheet = book.worksheets(1)
 114      num = sheets.count
 115      begin
 116        sheets.add({'count' => 2, 'after'=>sheet})
 117        assert_equal(2, sheets.count - num);
 118      ensure
 119        book.saved = true
 120      end
 121    end
 123    def test_ole_invoke_with_named_arg_last
 124      book = @excel.workbooks.add
 125      sheets = book.worksheets
 126      sheet = book.worksheets(1)
 127      num = sheets.count
 128      begin
 129        sheets.add(sheet, {'count' => 2})
 130        assert_equal(2, sheets.count - num);
 131      ensure
 132        book.saved = true
 133      end
 134    end
 136    def test_setproperty
 137      @excel.setproperty('Visible', false)
 138      assert_equal(false, @excel.Visible)
 139      @excel.setproperty('Visible', true)
 140      assert_equal(true, @excel.Visible)
 141      book = @excel.workbooks.add
 142      sheet = book.worksheets(1)
 143      begin
 144        sheet.setproperty('Cells', 1, 2, 10)
 145        assert_equal(10, sheet.range("B1").value)
 146      ensure
 147        book.saved = true
 148      end
 149    end
 150    def test_no_exist_property
 151      isok = false
 152      begin
 153        @excel.unknown_prop = 1
 154      rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError
 155        isok = true
 156      end
 157      assert(isok)
 159      isok = false
 160      begin
 161        @excel['unknown_prop'] = 2
 162      rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError
 163        isok = true
 164      end
 165      assert(isok)
 166    end
 168    def test_setproperty_with_equal
 169      book = @excel.workbooks.add
 170      sheet = book.worksheets(1)
 171      begin
 172        sheet.range("B1").value = 10
 173        assert_equal(10, sheet.range("B1").value)
 174        sheet.range("C1:D1").value = [11, 12]
 175        assert_equal(11, sheet.range("C1").value)
 176        assert_equal(12, sheet.range("D1").value)
 177      ensure
 178        book.saved = true
 179      end
 180    end
 181    def test_invoke
 182      workbooks = @excel.invoke( 'workbooks' )
 183      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, workbooks)
 184      book = workbooks.invoke( 'add' )
 185      assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, book)
 186    end
 187    def test_ole_methods
 188      methods = @excel.ole_methods
 189      method_names = methods.collect{|m| m.name}
 190      assert(method_names.include?("Quit"))
 191    end
 192    def test_ole_method_help
 193      quit_info = @excel.ole_method_help("Quit")
 194      assert_equal(0, quit_info.size_params)
 195      assert_equal(0, quit_info.size_opt_params)
 197      workbooks = @excel.Workbooks
 198      add_info = workbooks.ole_method_help("Add")
 199      assert_equal(1, add_info.size_params)
 200      assert_equal(1, add_info.size_opt_params)
 201      assert(add_info.params[0].input?)
 202      assert(add_info.params[0].optional?)
 203      assert_equal('VARIANT', add_info.params[0].ole_type)
 204    end
 205  #  def test_ole_put_methods
 206  #    methods_list = @excel.ole_put_methods
 207  #    puts methods_list
 208  #  end
 209    def teardown
 210      @excel.quit
 211      @excel = nil
 212      GC.start
 213    end
 214  end
 216  class TestWin32OLE_WITH_MSI < RUNIT::TestCase
 217    def setup
 218      installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
 219      @record = installer.CreateRecord(2)
 220    end
 222    # Sorry, this test fails. 
 223    # Win32OLE does not support this style to set property.
 224    # Use Win32OLE#setproperty or Win32OLE#[]= .
 225    # def test_invoke
 226    #   @record.invoke("StringData", 1, 'cccc')
 227    #   assert_equal('cccc', @record.StringData(1))
 228    # end
 230    def test_setproperty
 231      @record.setproperty( "StringData", 1, 'dddd')
 232      assert_equal('dddd', @record.StringData(1))
 233    end
 234    def test_bracket_equal_with_arg
 235      @record[ "StringData", 1 ] =  'ffff'
 236      assert_equal('ffff', @record.StringData(1))
 237    end
 238  end
 240  # ---------------------
 241  #
 242  # a subclass of Win32OLE
 243  # override new() and connect()
 244  class MyExcel<WIN32OLE
 245      def MyExcel.new 
 246          super "Excel.Application"
 247      end
 248      def MyExcel.connect
 249          super "Excel.Application"
 250      end
 251  end
 253  class TestMyExcel < TestWin32OLE
 254  #
 255  # because we overrided new() and connect()
 256  # we need to change the test.
 257  # also, because the class will be different
 258  # 
 259    def setup
 260      @excel = MyExcel.new
 261      @excel.visible = true
 262    end
 263    def test_s_new
 264      assert_instance_of(MyExcel, @excel)
 265    end
 266    def test_s_connect
 267      excel2 = MyExcel.connect
 268      assert_instance_of(MyExcel, excel2)
 269    end
 270  #
 271  # const_load didn't like to be called twice,
 272  # and I don't know how to undefine something in Ruby yet 
 273  # so, hide the test.
 274  #
 275    private :test_s_const_load
 276  end
 278  if $0 == __FILE__
 279    puts "Now Test Win32OLE version #{WIN32OLE::VERSION}"
 280    if ARGV.size == 0
 281          suite = RUNIT::TestSuite.new
 282          suite.add_test(TestWin32OLE.suite)
 283          suite.add_test(TestMyExcel.suite)
 284      begin
 285        installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
 286        suite.add_test(TestWin32OLE_WITH_MSI.suite)
 287      rescue
 288        puts "Skip some test with MSI"
 289      end
 290    else
 291      suite = RUNIT::TestSuite.new
 292      ARGV.each do |testmethod|
 293        suite.add_test(TestWin32OLE.new(testmethod))
 294      end
 295    end
 296    RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.quiet_mode = true
 297    RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run(suite)
 298  end