

This source file includes following functions.
  1. sdbm_open
  2. sdbm_prep
  3. sdbm_close
  4. sdbm_fetch
  5. sdbm_delete
  6. sdbm_store
  7. makroom
  8. sdbm_firstkey
  9. sdbm_nextkey
  10. getpage
  11. getdbit
  12. setdbit
  13. getnext
  14. fitpair
  15. putpair
  16. getpair
  17. duppair
  18. getnkey
  19. delpair
  20. seepair
  21. splpage
  22. chkpage
  23. sdbm_hash

   1  /*
   2   * sdbm - ndbm work-alike hashed database library
   3   * based on Per-Aake Larson's Dynamic Hashing algorithms. BIT 18 (1978).
   4   * author: oz@nexus.yorku.ca
   5   * status: public domain.
   6   *
   7   * core routines
   8   */
  10  #ifndef lint
  11  /*char sdbm_rcsid[] = "$Id: _sdbm.c,v 1.5 2001/05/28 16:07:34 eban Exp $";*/
  12  #endif
  14  #include "sdbm.h"
  15  #include "config.h"
  17  /*
  18   * sdbm - ndbm work-alike hashed database library
  19   * tuning and portability constructs [not nearly enough]
  20   * author: oz@nexus.yorku.ca
  21   */
  23  #define BYTESIZ         8
  25  #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
  26  #include <unistd.h>
  27  #endif
  29  #ifdef BSD42
  30  #define SEEK_SET        L_SET
  31  #define memset(s,c,n)   bzero(s, n)             /* only when c is zero */
  32  #define memcpy(s1,s2,n) bcopy(s2, s1, n)
  33  #define memcmp(s1,s2,n) bcmp(s1,s2,n)
  34  #endif
  36  /*
  37   * important tuning parms (hah)
  38   */
  40  #define SEEDUPS         /* always detect duplicates */
  41  #define BADMESS         /* generate a message for worst case:
  42                             cannot make room after SPLTMAX splits */
  43  /*
  44   * misc
  45   */
  46  #ifdef DEBUG
  47  #define debug(x)        printf x
  48  #else
  49  #define debug(x)
  50  #endif
  52  #ifdef BIG_E
  53  #define GET_SHORT(p, i) (((unsigned)((unsigned char *)(p))[(i)*2] << 8) + (((unsigned char *)(p))[(i)*2 + 1]))
  54  #define PUT_SHORT(p, i, s) (((unsigned char *)(p))[(i)*2] = (unsigned char)((s) >> 8), ((unsigned char *)(p))[(i)*2 + 1] = (unsigned char)(s))
  55  #else
  56  #define GET_SHORT(p, i) ((p)[i])
  57  #define PUT_SHORT(p, i, s)      ((p)[i] = (s))
  58  #endif
  60  /*#include "pair.h"*/
  61  static int   fitpair proto((char *, int));
  62  static void  putpair proto((char *, datum, datum));
  63  static datum getpair proto((char *, datum));
  64  static int   delpair proto((char *, datum));
  65  static int   chkpage proto((char *));
  66  static datum getnkey proto((char *, int));
  67  static void  splpage proto((char *, char *, long));
  68  #ifdef SEEDUPS
  69  static int   duppair proto((char *, datum));
  70  #endif
  72  #include <stdio.h>
  73  #include <stdlib.h>
  74  #ifdef MSDOS
  75  #include <io.h>
  76  #endif
  77  #include <sys/types.h>
  78  #include <sys/stat.h>
  79  #ifdef BSD42
  80  #include <sys/file.h>
  81  #else
  82  #include <fcntl.h>
  83  /*#include <memory.h>*/
  84  #endif
  85  #ifndef O_BINARY
  86  #define O_BINARY        0
  87  #endif
  89  #include <errno.h>
  90  #ifndef EPERM
  91  #define EPERM   EACCES
  92  #endif
  93  #include <string.h>
  95  #ifdef __STDC__
  96  #include <stddef.h>
  97  #endif
  99  #ifndef NULL
 100  #define NULL    0
 101  #endif
 103  /*
 104   * externals
 105   */
 106  #if !defined sun && !defined MSDOS && !defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__
 107  extern int errno;
 108  #endif
 110  /*
 111   * forward
 112   */
 113  static int getdbit proto((DBM *, long));
 114  static int setdbit proto((DBM *, long));
 115  static int getpage proto((DBM *, long));
 116  static datum getnext proto((DBM *));
 117  static int makroom proto((DBM *, long, int));
 119  /*
 120   * useful macros
 121   */
 122  #define bad(x)          ((x).dptr == NULL || (x).dsize < 0)
 123  #define exhash(item)    sdbm_hash((item).dptr, (item).dsize)
 124  #define ioerr(db)       ((db)->flags |= DBM_IOERR)
 126  #define OFF_PAG(off)    (long) (off) * PBLKSIZ
 127  #define OFF_DIR(off)    (long) (off) * DBLKSIZ
 129  static long masks[] = {
 130          000000000000L, 000000000001L, 000000000003L,
 131          000000000007L, 000000000017L, 000000000037L,
 132          000000000077L, 000000000177L, 000000000377L,
 133          000000000777L, 000000001777L, 000000003777L,
 134          000000007777L, 000000017777L, 000000037777L,
 135          000000077777L, 000000177777L, 000000377777L,
 136          000000777777L, 000001777777L, 000003777777L,
 137          000007777777L, 000017777777L, 000037777777L,
 138          000077777777L, 000177777777L, 000377777777L,
 139          000777777777L, 001777777777L, 003777777777L,
 140          007777777777L, 017777777777L
 141  };
 143  datum nullitem = {NULL, 0};
 145  DBM *
 146  sdbm_open(file, flags, mode)
 147  register char *file;
 148  register int flags;
 149  register int mode;
 150  {
 151          register DBM *db;
 152          register char *dirname;
 153          register char *pagname;
 154          register int n;
 156          if (file == NULL || !*file)
 157                  return errno = EINVAL, (DBM *) NULL;
 158  /*
 159   * need space for two seperate filenames
 160   */
 161          n = strlen(file) * 2 + strlen(DIRFEXT) + strlen(PAGFEXT) + 2;
 163          if ((dirname = malloc((unsigned) n)) == NULL)
 164                  return errno = ENOMEM, (DBM *) NULL;
 165  /*
 166   * build the file names
 167   */
 168          dirname = strcat(strcpy(dirname, file), DIRFEXT);
 169          pagname = strcpy(dirname + strlen(dirname) + 1, file);
 170          pagname = strcat(pagname, PAGFEXT);
 172          db = sdbm_prep(dirname, pagname, flags, mode);
 173          free((char *) dirname);
 174          return db;
 175  }
 177  DBM *
 178  sdbm_prep(dirname, pagname, flags, mode)
 179  char *dirname;
 180  char *pagname;
 181  int flags;
 182  int mode;
 183  {
 184          register DBM *db;
 185          struct stat dstat;
 187          if ((db = (DBM *) malloc(sizeof(DBM))) == NULL)
 188                  return errno = ENOMEM, (DBM *) NULL;
 190          db->flags = 0;
 191          db->hmask = 0;
 192          db->blkptr = 0;
 193          db->keyptr = 0;
 194  /*
 195   * adjust user flags so that WRONLY becomes RDWR, 
 196   * as required by this package. Also set our internal
 197   * flag for RDONLY.
 198   */
 199          if (flags & O_WRONLY)
 200                  flags = (flags & ~O_WRONLY) | O_RDWR;
 201          if (flags & O_RDONLY)
 202                  db->flags = DBM_RDONLY;
 203  /*
 204   * open the files in sequence, and stat the dirfile.
 205   * If we fail anywhere, undo everything, return NULL.
 206   */
 207          flags |= O_BINARY;
 208          if ((db->pagf = open(pagname, flags, mode)) > -1) {
 209                  if ((db->dirf = open(dirname, flags, mode)) > -1) {
 210  /*
 211   * need the dirfile size to establish max bit number.
 212   */
 213                          if (fstat(db->dirf, &dstat) == 0) {
 214  /*
 215   * zero size: either a fresh database, or one with a single,
 216   * unsplit data page: dirpage is all zeros.
 217   */
 218                                  db->dirbno = (!dstat.st_size) ? 0 : -1;
 219                                  db->pagbno = -1;
 220                                  db->maxbno = dstat.st_size * (long) BYTESIZ;
 222                                  (void) memset(db->pagbuf, 0, PBLKSIZ);
 223                                  (void) memset(db->dirbuf, 0, DBLKSIZ);
 224                          /*
 225                           * success
 226                           */
 227                                  return db;
 228                          }
 229                          (void) close(db->dirf);
 230                  }
 231                  (void) close(db->pagf);
 232          }
 233          free((char *) db);
 234          return (DBM *) NULL;
 235  }
 237  void
 238  sdbm_close(db)
 239  register DBM *db;
 240  {
 241          if (db == NULL)
 242                  errno = EINVAL;
 243          else {
 244                  (void) close(db->dirf);
 245                  (void) close(db->pagf);
 246                  free((char *) db);
 247          }
 248  }
 250  datum
 251  sdbm_fetch(db, key)
 252  register DBM *db;
 253  datum key;
 254  {
 255          if (db == NULL || bad(key))
 256                  return errno = EINVAL, nullitem;
 258          if (getpage(db, exhash(key)))
 259                  return getpair(db->pagbuf, key);
 261          return ioerr(db), nullitem;
 262  }
 264  int
 265  sdbm_delete(db, key)
 266  register DBM *db;
 267  datum key;
 268  {
 269          if (db == NULL || bad(key))
 270                  return errno = EINVAL, -1;
 271          if (sdbm_rdonly(db))
 272                  return errno = EPERM, -1;
 274          if (getpage(db, exhash(key))) {
 275                  if (!delpair(db->pagbuf, key))
 276                          return -1;
 277  /*
 278   * update the page file
 279   */
 280                  if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(db->pagbno), SEEK_SET) < 0
 281                      || write(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 282                          return ioerr(db), -1;
 284                  return 0;
 285          }
 287          return ioerr(db), -1;
 288  }
 290  int
 291  sdbm_store(db, key, val, flags)
 292  register DBM *db;
 293  datum key;
 294  datum val;
 295  int flags;
 296  {
 297          int need;
 298          register long hash;
 300          if (db == NULL || bad(key))
 301                  return errno = EINVAL, -1;
 302          if (sdbm_rdonly(db))
 303                  return errno = EPERM, -1;
 305          need = key.dsize + val.dsize;
 306  /*
 307   * is the pair too big (or too small) for this database ??
 308   */
 309          if (need < 0 || need > PAIRMAX)
 310                  return errno = EINVAL, -1;
 312          if (getpage(db, (hash = exhash(key)))) {
 313  /*
 314   * if we need to replace, delete the key/data pair
 315   * first. If it is not there, ignore.
 316   */
 317                  if (flags == DBM_REPLACE)
 318                          (void) delpair(db->pagbuf, key);
 319  #ifdef SEEDUPS
 320                  else if (duppair(db->pagbuf, key))
 321                          return 1;
 322  #endif
 323  /*
 324   * if we do not have enough room, we have to split.
 325   */
 326                  if (!fitpair(db->pagbuf, need))
 327                          if (!makroom(db, hash, need))
 328                                  return ioerr(db), -1;
 329  /*
 330   * we have enough room or split is successful. insert the key,
 331   * and update the page file.
 332   */
 333                  (void) putpair(db->pagbuf, key, val);
 335                  if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(db->pagbno), SEEK_SET) < 0
 336                      || write(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 337                          return ioerr(db), -1;
 338          /*
 339           * success
 340           */
 341                  return 0;
 342          }
 344          return ioerr(db), -1;
 345  }
 347  /*
 348   * makroom - make room by splitting the overfull page
 349   * this routine will attempt to make room for SPLTMAX times before
 350   * giving up.
 351   */
 352  static int
 353  makroom(db, hash, need)
 354  register DBM *db;
 355  long hash;
 356  int need;
 357  {
 358          long newp;
 359          char twin[PBLKSIZ];
 360  #if defined MSDOS || (defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__)
 361          char zer[PBLKSIZ];
 362          long oldtail;
 363  #endif
 364          char *pag = db->pagbuf;
 365          char *new = twin;
 366          register int smax = SPLTMAX;
 368          do {
 369  /*
 370   * split the current page
 371   */
 372                  (void) splpage(pag, new, db->hmask + 1);
 373  /*
 374   * address of the new page
 375   */
 376                  newp = (hash & db->hmask) | (db->hmask + 1);
 377                  debug(("newp: %ld\n", newp));
 378  /*
 379   * write delay, read avoidence/cache shuffle:
 380   * select the page for incoming pair: if key is to go to the new page,
 381   * write out the previous one, and copy the new one over, thus making
 382   * it the current page. If not, simply write the new page, and we are
 383   * still looking at the page of interest. current page is not updated
 384   * here, as sdbm_store will do so, after it inserts the incoming pair.
 385   */
 387  #if defined MSDOS || (defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__)
 388          /*
 389           * Fill hole with 0 if made it.
 390           * (hole is NOT read as 0)
 391           */
 392          oldtail = lseek(db->pagf, 0L, SEEK_END);
 393          memset(zer, 0, PBLKSIZ);
 394          while (OFF_PAG(newp) > oldtail) {
 395                  if (lseek(db->pagf, 0L, SEEK_END) < 0 ||
 396                      write(db->pagf, zer, PBLKSIZ) < 0) {
 398                          return 0;
 399                  }
 400                  oldtail += PBLKSIZ;
 401          }
 402  #endif
 404                  if (hash & (db->hmask + 1)) {
 405                          if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(db->pagbno), SEEK_SET) < 0
 406                              || write(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 407                                  return 0;
 408                          db->pagbno = newp;
 409                          (void) memcpy(pag, new, PBLKSIZ);
 410                  }
 411                  else if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(newp), SEEK_SET) < 0
 412                           || write(db->pagf, new, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 413                          return 0;
 415                  if (!setdbit(db, db->curbit))
 416                          return 0;
 417  /*
 418   * see if we have enough room now
 419   */
 420                  if (fitpair(pag, need))
 421                          return 1;
 422  /*
 423   * try again... update curbit and hmask as getpage would have
 424   * done. because of our update of the current page, we do not
 425   * need to read in anything. BUT we have to write the current
 426   * [deferred] page out, as the window of failure is too great.
 427   */
 428                  db->curbit = 2 * db->curbit + 
 429                          ((hash & (db->hmask + 1)) ? 2 : 1);
 430                  db->hmask |= (db->hmask + 1);
 432                  if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(db->pagbno), SEEK_SET) < 0
 433                      || write(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 434                          return 0;
 436          } while (--smax);
 437  /*
 438   * if we are here, this is real bad news. After SPLTMAX splits,
 439   * we still cannot fit the key. say goodnight.
 440   */
 441  #ifdef BADMESS
 442          (void) write(2, "sdbm: cannot insert after SPLTMAX attempts.\n", 44);
 443  #endif
 444          return 0;
 446  }
 448  /*
 449   * the following two routines will break if
 450   * deletions aren't taken into account. (ndbm bug)
 451   */
 452  datum
 453  sdbm_firstkey(db)
 454  register DBM *db;
 455  {
 456          if (db == NULL)
 457                  return errno = EINVAL, nullitem;
 458  /*
 459   * start at page 0
 460   */
 461          (void) memset(db->pagbuf, 0, PBLKSIZ);
 462          if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(0), SEEK_SET) < 0
 463              || read(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 464                  return ioerr(db), nullitem;
 465          db->pagbno = 0;
 466          db->blkptr = 0;
 467          db->keyptr = 0;
 469          return getnext(db);
 470  }
 472  datum
 473  sdbm_nextkey(db)
 474  register DBM *db;
 475  {
 476          if (db == NULL)
 477                  return errno = EINVAL, nullitem;
 478          return getnext(db);
 479  }
 481  /*
 482   * all important binary trie traversal
 483   */
 484  static int
 485  getpage(db, hash)
 486  register DBM *db;
 487  register long hash;
 488  {
 489          register int hbit;
 490          register long dbit;
 491          register long pagb;
 493          dbit = 0;
 494          hbit = 0;
 495          while (dbit < db->maxbno && getdbit(db, dbit))
 496                  dbit = 2 * dbit + ((hash & ((long) 1 << hbit++)) ? 2 : 1);
 498          debug(("dbit: %d...", dbit));
 500          db->curbit = dbit;
 501          db->hmask = masks[hbit];
 503          pagb = hash & db->hmask;
 504  /*
 505   * see if the block we need is already in memory.
 506   * note: this lookaside cache has about 10% hit rate.
 507   */
 508          if (pagb != db->pagbno) { 
 509  /*
 510   * note: here, we assume a "hole" is read as 0s.
 511   * if not, must zero pagbuf first.
 512   */
 513                  (void) memset(db->pagbuf, 0, PBLKSIZ);
 515                  if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(pagb), SEEK_SET) < 0
 516                      || read(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) < 0)
 517                          return 0;
 518                  if (!chkpage(db->pagbuf)) {
 519                          return 0;
 520                  }
 521                  db->pagbno = pagb;
 523                  debug(("pag read: %d\n", pagb));
 524          }
 525          return 1;
 526  }
 528  static int
 529  getdbit(db, dbit)
 530  register DBM *db;
 531  register long dbit;
 532  {
 533          register long c;
 534          register long dirb;
 536          c = dbit / BYTESIZ;
 537          dirb = c / DBLKSIZ;
 539          if (dirb != db->dirbno) {
 540                  if (lseek(db->dirf, OFF_DIR(dirb), SEEK_SET) < 0
 541                      || read(db->dirf, db->dirbuf, DBLKSIZ) < 0)
 542                          return 0;
 543                  db->dirbno = dirb;
 545                  debug(("dir read: %d\n", dirb));
 546          }
 548          return db->dirbuf[c % DBLKSIZ] & (1 << (dbit % BYTESIZ));
 549  }
 551  static int
 552  setdbit(db, dbit)
 553  register DBM *db;
 554  register long dbit;
 555  {
 556          register long c;
 557          register long dirb;
 559          c = dbit / BYTESIZ;
 560          dirb = c / DBLKSIZ;
 562          if (dirb != db->dirbno) {
 563                  if (lseek(db->dirf, OFF_DIR(dirb), SEEK_SET) < 0
 564                      || read(db->dirf, db->dirbuf, DBLKSIZ) < 0)
 565                          return 0;
 566                  db->dirbno = dirb;
 568                  debug(("dir read: %d\n", dirb));
 569          }
 571          db->dirbuf[c % DBLKSIZ] |= (1 << (dbit % BYTESIZ));
 573          if (dbit >= db->maxbno)
 574                  db->maxbno += (long) DBLKSIZ * BYTESIZ;
 576          if (lseek(db->dirf, OFF_DIR(dirb), SEEK_SET) < 0
 577              || write(db->dirf, db->dirbuf, DBLKSIZ) < 0)
 578                  return 0;
 580          return 1;
 581  }
 583  /*
 584   * getnext - get the next key in the page, and if done with
 585   * the page, try the next page in sequence
 586   */
 587  static datum
 588  getnext(db)
 589  register DBM *db;
 590  {
 591          datum key;
 593          for (;;) {
 594                  db->keyptr++;
 595                  key = getnkey(db->pagbuf, db->keyptr);
 596                  if (key.dptr != NULL)
 597                          return key;
 598  /*
 599   * we either run out, or there is nothing on this page..
 600   * try the next one... If we lost our position on the
 601   * file, we will have to seek.
 602   */
 603                  db->keyptr = 0;
 604                  if (db->pagbno != db->blkptr++)
 605                          if (lseek(db->pagf, OFF_PAG(db->blkptr), SEEK_SET) < 0)
 606                                  break;
 607                  db->pagbno = db->blkptr;
 608                  if (read(db->pagf, db->pagbuf, PBLKSIZ) <= 0)
 609                          break;
 610                  if (!chkpage(db->pagbuf)) {
 611                          break;
 612                  }
 613          }
 615          return ioerr(db), nullitem;
 616  }
 618  /* pair.c */
 619  /*
 620   * sdbm - ndbm work-alike hashed database library
 621   * based on Per-Aake Larson's Dynamic Hashing algorithms. BIT 18 (1978).
 622   * author: oz@nexus.yorku.ca
 623   * status: public domain.
 624   *
 625   * page-level routines
 626   */
 628  #ifndef lint
 629  /*char pair_rcsid[] = "$Id: _sdbm.c,v 1.5 2001/05/28 16:07:34 eban Exp $";*/
 630  #endif
 632  #ifndef BSD42
 633  /*#include <memory.h>*/
 634  #endif
 636  #define exhash(item)    sdbm_hash((item).dptr, (item).dsize)
 638  /* 
 639   * forward 
 640   */
 641  static int seepair proto((char *, int, char *, int));
 643  /*
 644   * page format:
 645   *      +------------------------------+
 646   * ino  | n | keyoff | datoff | keyoff |
 647   *      +------------+--------+--------+
 648   *      | datoff | - - - ---->         |
 649   *      +--------+---------------------+
 650   *      |        F R E E A R E A       |
 651   *      +--------------+---------------+
 652   *      |  <---- - - - | data          |
 653   *      +--------+-----+----+----------+
 654   *      |  key   | data     | key      |
 655   *      +--------+----------+----------+
 656   *
 657   * calculating the offsets for free area:  if the number
 658   * of entries (ino[0]) is zero, the offset to the END of
 659   * the free area is the block size. Otherwise, it is the
 660   * nth (ino[ino[0]]) entry's offset.
 661   */
 663  static int
 664  fitpair(pag, need)
 665  char *pag;
 666  int need;
 667  {
 668          register int n;
 669          register int off;
 670          register int free;
 671          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 673          off = ((n = GET_SHORT(ino,0)) > 0) ? GET_SHORT(ino,n) : PBLKSIZ;
 674          free = off - (n + 1) * sizeof(short);
 675          need += 2 * sizeof(short);
 677          debug(("free %d need %d\n", free, need));
 679          return need <= free;
 680  }
 682  static void
 683  putpair(pag, key, val)
 684  char *pag;
 685  datum key;
 686  datum val;
 687  {
 688          register int n;
 689          register int off;
 690          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 692          off = ((n = GET_SHORT(ino,0)) > 0) ? GET_SHORT(ino,n) : PBLKSIZ;
 693  /*
 694   * enter the key first
 695   */
 696          off -= key.dsize;
 697          if (key.dsize)
 698                  (void) memcpy(pag + off, key.dptr, key.dsize);
 699          PUT_SHORT(ino,n + 1,off);
 700  /*
 701   * now the data
 702   */
 703          off -= val.dsize;
 704          if (val.dsize)
 705                  (void) memcpy(pag + off, val.dptr, val.dsize);
 706          PUT_SHORT(ino,n + 2,off);
 707  /*
 708   * adjust item count
 709   */
 710          PUT_SHORT(ino,0,GET_SHORT(ino,0) + 2);
 711  }
 713  static datum
 714  getpair(pag, key)
 715  char *pag;
 716  datum key;
 717  {
 718          register int i;
 719          register int n;
 720          datum val;
 721          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 723          if ((n = GET_SHORT(ino,0)) == 0)
 724                  return nullitem;
 726          if ((i = seepair(pag, n, key.dptr, key.dsize)) == 0)
 727                  return nullitem;
 729          val.dptr = pag + GET_SHORT(ino,i + 1);
 730          val.dsize = GET_SHORT(ino,i) - GET_SHORT(ino,i + 1);
 731          return val;
 732  }
 734  #ifdef SEEDUPS
 735  static int
 736  duppair(pag, key)
 737  char *pag;
 738  datum key;
 739  {
 740          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 741          return GET_SHORT(ino,0) > 0 &&
 742                     seepair(pag, GET_SHORT(ino,0), key.dptr, key.dsize) > 0;
 743  }
 744  #endif
 746  static datum
 747  getnkey(pag, num)
 748  char *pag;
 749  int num;
 750  {
 751          datum key;
 752          register int off;
 753          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 755          num = num * 2 - 1;
 756          if (GET_SHORT(ino,0) == 0 || num > GET_SHORT(ino,0))
 757                  return nullitem;
 759          off = (num > 1) ? GET_SHORT(ino,num - 1) : PBLKSIZ;
 761          key.dptr = pag + GET_SHORT(ino,num);
 762          key.dsize = off - GET_SHORT(ino,num);
 764          return key;
 765  }
 767  static int
 768  delpair(pag, key)
 769  char *pag;
 770  datum key;
 771  {
 772          register int n;
 773          register int i;
 774          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 776          if ((n = GET_SHORT(ino,0)) == 0)
 777                  return 0;
 779          if ((i = seepair(pag, n, key.dptr, key.dsize)) == 0)
 780                  return 0;
 781  /*
 782   * found the key. if it is the last entry
 783   * [i.e. i == n - 1] we just adjust the entry count.
 784   * hard case: move all data down onto the deleted pair,
 785   * shift offsets onto deleted offsets, and adjust them.
 786   * [note: 0 < i < n]
 787   */
 788          if (i < n - 1) {
 789                  register int m;
 790                  register char *dst = pag + (i == 1 ? PBLKSIZ : GET_SHORT(ino,i - 1));
 791                  register char *src = pag + GET_SHORT(ino,i + 1);
 792                  register int   zoo = dst - src;
 794                  debug(("free-up %d ", zoo));
 795  /*
 796   * shift data/keys down
 797   */
 798                  m = GET_SHORT(ino,i + 1) - GET_SHORT(ino,n);
 799  #ifdef DUFF
 800  #define MOVB    *--dst = *--src
 802                  if (m > 0) {
 803                          register int loop = (m + 8 - 1) >> 3;
 805                          switch (m & (8 - 1)) {
 806                          case 0: do {
 807                                  MOVB;   case 7: MOVB;
 808                          case 6: MOVB;   case 5: MOVB;
 809                          case 4: MOVB;   case 3: MOVB;
 810                          case 2: MOVB;   case 1: MOVB;
 811                                  } while (--loop);
 812                          }
 813                  }
 814  #else
 815  #ifdef MEMMOVE
 816                  memmove(dst, src, m);
 817  #else
 818                  while (m--)
 819                          *--dst = *--src;
 820  #endif
 821  #endif
 822  /*
 823   * adjust offset index up
 824   */
 825                  while (i < n - 1) {
 826                          PUT_SHORT(ino,i, GET_SHORT(ino,i + 2) + zoo);
 827                          i++;
 828                  }
 829          }
 830          PUT_SHORT(ino, 0, GET_SHORT(ino, 0) - 2);
 831          return 1;
 832  }
 834  /*
 835   * search for the key in the page.
 836   * return offset index in the range 0 < i < n.
 837   * return 0 if not found.
 838   */
 839  static int
 840  seepair(pag, n, key, siz)
 841  char *pag;
 842  register int n;
 843  register char *key;
 844  register int siz;
 845  {
 846          register int i;
 847          register int off = PBLKSIZ;
 848          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 850          for (i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
 851                  if (siz == off - GET_SHORT(ino,i) &&
 852                      memcmp(key, pag + GET_SHORT(ino,i), siz) == 0)
 853                          return i;
 854                  off = GET_SHORT(ino,i + 1);
 855          }
 856          return 0;
 857  }
 859  static void
 860  splpage(pag, new, sbit)
 861  char *pag;
 862  char *new;
 863  long sbit;
 864  {
 865          datum key;
 866          datum val;
 868          register int n;
 869          register int off = PBLKSIZ;
 870          char cur[PBLKSIZ];
 871          register short *ino = (short *) cur;
 873          (void) memcpy(cur, pag, PBLKSIZ);
 874          (void) memset(pag, 0, PBLKSIZ);
 875          (void) memset(new, 0, PBLKSIZ);
 877          n = GET_SHORT(ino,0);
 878          for (ino++; n > 0; ino += 2) {
 879                  key.dptr = cur + GET_SHORT(ino,0); 
 880                  key.dsize = off - GET_SHORT(ino,0);
 881                  val.dptr = cur + GET_SHORT(ino,1);
 882                  val.dsize = GET_SHORT(ino,0) - GET_SHORT(ino,1);
 883  /*
 884   * select the page pointer (by looking at sbit) and insert
 885   */
 886                  (void) putpair((exhash(key) & sbit) ? new : pag, key, val);
 888                  off = GET_SHORT(ino,1);
 889                  n -= 2;
 890          }
 892          debug(("%d split %d/%d\n", ((short *) cur)[0] / 2, 
 893                 ((short *) new)[0] / 2,
 894                 ((short *) pag)[0] / 2));
 895  }
 897  /*
 898   * check page sanity: 
 899   * number of entries should be something
 900   * reasonable, and all offsets in the index should be in order.
 901   * this could be made more rigorous.
 902   */
 903  static int
 904  chkpage(pag)
 905  char *pag;
 906  {
 907          register int n;
 908          register int off;
 909          register short *ino = (short *) pag;
 911          if ((n = GET_SHORT(ino,0)) < 0 || n > PBLKSIZ / sizeof(short))
 912                  return 0;
 914          if (n > 0) {
 915                  off = PBLKSIZ;
 916                  for (ino++; n > 0; ino += 2) {
 917                          if (GET_SHORT(ino,0) > off || GET_SHORT(ino,1) > off ||
 918                              GET_SHORT(ino,1) > GET_SHORT(ino,0))
 919                                  return 0;
 920                          off = GET_SHORT(ino,1);
 921                          n -= 2;
 922                  }
 923          }
 924          return 1;
 925  }
 927  /* hash.c */
 928  /*
 929   * sdbm - ndbm work-alike hashed database library
 930   * based on Per-Aake Larson's Dynamic Hashing algorithms. BIT 18 (1978).
 931   * author: oz@nexus.yorku.ca
 932   * status: public domain. keep it that way.
 933   *
 934   * hashing routine
 935   */
 937  /*
 938   * polynomial conversion ignoring overflows
 939   * [this seems to work remarkably well, in fact better
 940   * then the ndbm hash function. Replace at your own risk]
 941   * use: 65599   nice.
 942   *      65587   even better. 
 943   */
 944  long
 945  sdbm_hash(str, len)
 946  register char *str;
 947  register int len;
 948  {
 949          register unsigned long n = 0;
 951  #ifdef DUFF
 953  #define HASHC   n = *str++ + 65599 * n
 955          if (len > 0) {
 956                  register int loop = (len + 8 - 1) >> 3;
 958                  switch(len & (8 - 1)) {
 959                  case 0: do {
 960                          HASHC;  case 7: HASHC;
 961                  case 6: HASHC;  case 5: HASHC;
 962                  case 4: HASHC;  case 3: HASHC;
 963                  case 2: HASHC;  case 1: HASHC;
 964                          } while (--loop);
 965                  }
 967          }
 968  #else
 969          while (len--)
 970                  n = ((*str++) & 255) + 65587L * n;
 971  #endif
 972          return n;
 973  }