rb_warn 612 array.c rb_warn("Array#%s is deprecated; use Array#select",
rb_warn 1362 bignum.c rb_warn("in a**b, b may be too big");
rb_warn 206 class.c rb_warn("no super class for `%s', Object assumed", name);
rb_warn 236 class.c rb_warn("no super class for `%s::%s', Object assumed",
rb_warn 479 dir.c rb_warn("conflicting chdir during another chdir block");
rb_warn 339 eval.c rb_warn("removing `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(mid));
rb_warn 1579 eval.c rb_warn("class variable access from toplevel singleton method");
rb_warn 1655 eval.c rb_warn("undefining `%s' may cause serious problem", rb_id2name(id));
rb_warn 3179 eval.c rb_warn("redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop");
rb_warn 3182 eval.c rb_warn("redefining `%s' may cause serious problem",
rb_warn 4008 eval.c rb_warn("declaring singleton class variable");
rb_warn 461 ext/pty/pty.c rb_warn("PTY::protect_signal is no longer needed");
rb_warn 471 ext/pty/pty.c rb_warn("PTY::reset_signal is no longer needed");
rb_warn 2375 file.c rb_warn("Insecure world writable dir %s, mode 0%o", p0, st.st_mode);
rb_warn 1317 gc.c rb_warn("ObjectSpace::add_finalizer is deprecated; use define_finalizer");
rb_warn 1330 gc.c rb_warn("ObjectSpace::remove_finalizer is deprecated; use undefine_finalizer");
rb_warn 1338 gc.c rb_warn("ObjectSpace::finalizers is deprecated");
rb_warn 1346 gc.c rb_warn("ObjectSpace::call_finalizer is deprecated; use define_finalizer");
rb_warn 389 hash.c rb_warn("Hash#%s is deprecated; use Hash#select",
rb_warn 1533 hash.c rb_warn("ENV.%s is deprecated; use ENV.select",
rb_warn 1414 io.c rb_warn("sysseek for buffered IO");
rb_warn 1440 io.c rb_warn("syswrite for buffered IO");
rb_warn 1690 io.c rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honered for %s", fname);
rb_warn 1718 io.c rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honered (fd=%d)", fd);
rb_warn 2318 io.c rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honered for %s", RSTRING(fname)->ptr);
rb_warn 2785 io.c rb_warn("%s::new() does not take block; use %s::open() instead",
rb_warn 2829 io.c rb_warn("Can't do inplace edit for stdio");
rb_warn 2859 io.c rb_warn("Can't rename %s to %s: %s, skipping file",
rb_warn 2871 io.c rb_warn("Can't remove %s: %s, skipping file",
rb_warn 3010 io.c rb_warn("getc is obsolete; use STDIN.getc instead");
rb_warn 1079 marshal.c rb_warn("define `allocate' instead of `_alloc'");
rb_warn 1205 marshal.c rb_warn("incompatible marshal file format (can be read)\n\
rb_warn 168 object.c rb_warn("default `to_a' will be obsolete");
rb_warn 1171 object.c rb_warn("string contains \\0 character");
rb_warn 337 parse.y rb_warn("else without rescue is useless");
rb_warn 1065 parse.y rb_warn("parenthesize argument(s) for future version");
rb_warn 1098 parse.y rb_warn("parenthesize argument for future version");
rb_warn 1103 parse.y rb_warn("parenthesize argument for future version");
rb_warn 1114 parse.y rb_warn("parenthesize argument(s) for future version");
rb_warn 3374 parse.y rb_warn("invalid character syntax; use ?\\%c", c2);
rb_warn 3383 parse.y rb_warn("multibyte character literal not supported yet; use ?\\%.3o", c);
rb_warn 3742 parse.y rb_warn("Float %s out of range", tok());
rb_warn 3904 parse.y rb_warn("escaped terminator '%c' inside string interpolation", c);
rb_warn 3921 parse.y rb_warn("escaped terminator '%s%c' inside string interpolation",
rb_warn 4577 parse.y rb_warn("ambiguous identifier; %s() or self.%s is better for method call",
rb_warn 4899 parse.y rb_warn("useless use of %s in void context", useless);
rb_warn 4946 parse.y rb_warn("found = in conditional, should be ==");
rb_warn 4977 parse.y if (!e_option_supplied()) rb_warn(str);
rb_warn 5020 parse.y rb_warn("string literal in condition");
rb_warn 1506 re.c rb_warn("modifying %s is deperecated", rb_id2name(id));
rb_warn 1404 string.c rb_warn("string pattern instead of regexp; metacharacters no longer effective");
rb_warn 1327 time.c rb_warn("obsolete method Time::times; use Process::times");
rb_warn 1370 variable.c rb_warn("already initialized %s %s", dest, rb_id2name(id));