strscan user manual

What is this library?

strscan is a lexical scan library. Here is the simplest usage example of this library:

s ='This is an example string')
s.eos?            #=> false

p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "This"
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> nil
p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> " "
p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> nil
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "is"
s.eos?            #=> false

p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "an"
p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "example"
p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "string"
s.eos?            #=> true

p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> nil
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> nil

In a word, StringScanner is a set of "scan pointer" and a string. "scan pointer" is, in another word, an index.

## a string and a scan pointer   ("_" = scan pointer)

s ='This is an example string')
_This is an example string     s.eos? = false
This_ is an example string     s.eos? = false
This _is an example string     s.eos? = false
This is_ an example string     s.eos? = false
This is _an example string     s.eos? = false
This is an_ example string     s.eos? = false
This is an _example string     s.eos? = false
This is an example_ string     s.eos? = false
This is an example _string     s.eos? = false
This is an example string_     s.eos? = true


StringScanner DOES NOT set regexp variables like $~, $&, $1, $2, etc. Use StringScanner's methods instead (e.g. scanner[n], scanner.matched?).

class StringScanner

Class Methods

new( str: String, dup: bool = true ) -> StringScanner

creates a new StringScanner object. STR is a string to scan. If DUP is true, duplicates STR and use freeze it. If DUP is false, does not duplicate and freeze it.

Instance Methods

scan( pattern: Regexp ) -> String

tries matching with PATTERN only on the scan pointer. If matched, the scanner advances "scan pointer" and returns a matched string. Else, the scanner returns nil.

s ='test string')
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "test"
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> nil
p s.scan(/\s+/)   #=> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)   #=> "string"
p s.scan(/./)     #=> nil
skip( pattern: Regexp ) -> Integer

tries matching with PATTERN, only on the scan pointer. If matched, the scanner advances "scan pointer" and returns length of matched string. Else, the scanner returns nil.

s ='test string')
p s.skip(/\w+/)   #=> 4
p s.skip(/\w+/)   #=> nil
p s.skip(/\s+/)   #=> 1
p s.skip(/\w+/)   #=> 6
p s.skip(/./)     #=> nil
match?( pattern: Regexp ) -> Integer

tries matching with PATTERN, only on the scan pointer. If matched, the scanner keep "scan pointer" un-touched and returns the length of the matched string. Else, the scanner returns nil.

s ='test string')
p s.match?(/\w+/)   #=> 4
p s.match?(/\w+/)   #=> 4
p s.match?(/\s+/)   #=> nil
getch -> String

scans one character and returns it.

get_byte -> String

scans one byte and returns it.

peek( len: Integer ) -> String

extracts a string which is corresponding to string[pos, len]

eos? -> bool

returns true if the scan pointer is on the end of the string.

string -> String

returns the scanning string itself.

matched? -> bool

returns true if last matching had been successed.

pre_match -> String
post_match -> String
self[ n: Integer ] -> String

returns N-th content of regexp register (indecated by paren in regexp). If previous scanning had been failed, the scanner raises ScanError.

matched -> String

returns the entire matched string.


reset scan pointer (index 0) and clear matching data.


set scan pointer the end of the string and clear matching data.


set scan pointer the previous position. This method is valid only once for one scanning method call.